Registered Nursing (NURS)
NURS 100 Fundamentals of Nursing and Health Assessment
(3 Credits, Fall/Spring)
An introduction to basic nursing concepts and knowledge including core values, health assessment, healthcare, relationship-centered care, teamwork, effects of environment, professional ethics, safety, legal issues, patient advocacy, and evidence-based nursing. Focus is on beginning development of nursing judgment (including critical thinking skills), a beginning identity as a nurse, and a spirit of inquiry with the goal of promoting optimal human wellness. PREREQ: Admission to the Registered Nursing program and any GEM 3 course. COREQ: NURS 103. (3 lecture hours, 0 lab hours, 3 credits)
NURS 103 Nursing and Health Assessment Skills Lab/Clinical
(3 Credits, Fall/Spring)
Development of basic health assessment and patient care skills, safety, early advocacy, and therapeutic nursing interventions in promoting health/well-being of individuals. Utilizes and applies nursing process, critical thinking and development of nursing judgment through learning experiences in the on-campus lab, simulation lab, and application of nursing process and intervention with individuals in healthcare settings. (Pass/No Pass) PREREQ: Admission to the Registered Nursing program and any GEM 3 course. COREQ: NURS 100. (0 lecture hours, 9 lab hours, 3 credits)
NURS 104 Basic Medical Surgical Nursing
(3 Credits, Fall/Spring)
Expands on fundamental nursing concepts. Focuses on adults with medical-surgical health needs and nursing interventions to assist individuals to adapt to stressors from illness and surgery. Emphasizes implementation and evaluation aspects of the nursing process and further development of problem-solving skills to help individuals progress toward optimal wellness. PREREQ: NURS 100 and NURS 103 (with a minimum grade of C or equivalent); BIOL 227, BIOL 227L, ENGL 101, and PSYC 101. COREQ: NURS 105. PRE/COREQ: NURS 106. (3 lecture hours, 0 lab hours, 3 credits)
NURS 105 Basic Medical Surgical Nursing Clinical
(3 Credits, Fall/Spring)
Clinical experience in a simulation lab, hospitals, and nursing home environments. Provides development of nursing competencies including therapeutic nursing interventions, professional communication skills, and critical thinking skills, while beginning the development of collaborative practice relationships with clients, their support systems, and healthcare team members. (Pass/No Pass) PREREQ: NURS 100 and NURS 103 (with a minimum grade of C or equivalent); BIOL 227, BIOL 227L, ENGL 101, and PSYC 101. COREQ: NURS 104. PRE/COREQ: NURS 106. (0 lecture hours, 9 lab hours, 3 credits)
NURS 106 Basic Pharmacology for Nursing
(3 Credits, Fall/Spring)
Provides an introduction to drug therapy and the RN's role. Emphasizes basic pharmacology principles, drug classifications and actions, methods of safe administration, legal considerations, appropriate patient education, and evaluation of patient responses/needs across the lifespan. Nursing process is used to determine appropriate pharmacologic intervention. PREREQ: NURS 100 and NURS 103 (with a minimum grade of C or equivalent); BIOL 227, BIOL 227L, ENGL 101, and PSYC 101. PRE/COREQ: NURS 104 and NURS 105. (3 lecture hours, 0 lab hours, 3 credits)
NURS 200 Nursing Specialties
(4 Credits, Fall/Spring)
Expands and refines core nursing concepts. Focus is on coping skills of individuals and families across the lifespan, and advanced use of advocacy for the client and profession. Learning experiences utilize the nursing process to provide physical and psychological care for patients and families. Prior enrollment in PSYC 201 is recommended. PREREQ: NURS 104, NURS 105, and NURS 106 (with a minimum grade of C or equivalent); BIOL 228, BIOL 228L, MMBS 111, and MMBS 111L. COREQ: NURS 201. (4 lecture hours, 0 lab hours, 4 credits)
NURS 201 Nursing Specialties Clinical
(2 Credits, Fall/Spring)
Clinical experiences in simulation, hospital, and community environments in nursing specialties. Provides further development of nursing competencies, therapeutic nursing interventions, professional communication, and critical thinking skills. Focus is on individual patients using collaborative practice with interdisciplinary teams in promoting mental and physical health across the lifespan. (Pass/No Pass) PREREQ: NURS 104, NURS 105, and NURS 106 (with a minimum grade of C or equivalent); BIOL 228, BIOL 228L, MMBS 111, and MMBS 111L. COREQ: NURS 200. (0 lecture hours, 6 lab hours, 2 credits)
NURS 202 Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing
(4 Credits, Fall/Spring)
Focuses on complicated and advanced medical, surgical, and mental health conditions in a variety of healthcare settings. Emphasizes understanding the pathophysiology of physical and mental illnesses as well as the use of nursing judgment, professional inquiry, and advanced nursing skills in meeting complex health needs in a holistic manner. PREREQ: NURS 200 and NURS 201 (with a minimum grade of C or equivalent); ENGL 102, SOC 101, and any GEM 2 course. COREQ: NURS 203. (4 lecture hours, 0 lab hours, 4 credits)
NURS 203 Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing Lab/Clinical
(4 Credits, Fall/Spring)
Lab and clinical experience in acute care environments. Provides for the development of more advanced nursing competencies in nursing intervention, therapeutic communication, and critical thinking skills. Focus is on individual patients with acute or chronic illness as well as patients with mental health needs. Includes emphasis on collaborative nursing practice with interdisciplinary teams in caring for patients with complex health problems. (Pass/No Pass) PREREQ: NURS 200 and NURS 201 (with a minimum grade of C or equivalent); ENGL 102, SOC 101, and any GEM 2 course. COREQ: NURS 202. (0 lecture hours, 12 lab hours, 4 credits)
Refer to How to Read Course Descriptions for an explanation of elements found in the course descriptions above.